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Monday, August 30, 2010

Blog About Discussion

This morning we had our first class discussion. It was interesting, but in a good way. Vincent talked about how his dad and him built a chicken coop this weekend. I thought that was pretty cool. Mitch talked said if you cut off a chicken's head it still jumps and runs around! That is so weird and at the same time some what really cool.

1 comment:

  1. It is kind of interesting to know that a chicken will run around even after its head been chopped off. Chickens do a lot of strange things. for a example if you drop one of their eggs into their chicken coop and it breaks and you just leave there they will eat it. Now that they have eaten the inside of the egg they will break the egg after they lay them to eat the insides. They will continue to eat their own eggs and you will not get anymore eggs from that specific group of chickens anymore.
