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Monday, August 30, 2010

Blog About Discussion

This morning we had our first class discussion. It was interesting, but in a good way. Vincent talked about how his dad and him built a chicken coop this weekend. I thought that was pretty cool. Mitch talked said if you cut off a chicken's head it still jumps and runs around! That is so weird and at the same time some what really cool.

Friday, August 27, 2010

1st Week of School

What can I say about my 1st week of school? I know, it went by super slow in my eyes. I met a couple of new people. The ones that I connected with the most would be Jordon Kampfer and Alyssa Crump. They are easy going and a lot of fun to be around with. Everybody at school has been really nice to me and helpful too. Hopefully the rest of this school year goes by fast, is calm and not very stressful.

Wednesday, August 25, 2010

Digital Text

There were about three things I thought were cool in this video. One of them was that there are so many different types of shortcuts. There was a quote that I liked and it was the one that said "We are the web." Lastly, the last part of the video that stated rethink love, family, etc.

Did You Know?

There were three things that stuck out to me in this video. The first one was that about 25% of India's population with the highest IQ's is greater than the total population in the United States. Also the U.S. Department of Labor thinks that today's learner will have 10-14 jobs by the age of 38. The last thing would be that China will soon become the number one English speaking country in the world!

Monday, August 23, 2010


Today is the first Monday of the school year! I'm not excited at all. Mondays makes the day go by super slow in my eyes. I'm always tired on Mondays even though I get to bed early it still seems like I never get enough sleep. Weird right? My sister wakes up and says "Yay! Its Monday, time for school!" When I wake up, it takes my mother 30 minutes just to get my out of bed. I absolutely didn't do anyting over the weekend, except babysit my little baby cousin. His name is Marco and he is about a year old. In my eyes, he is the cuties baby in the world! I took him to the pool for a little while then after that we went into Lawrence to go eat. My mother and I took my little baby cousin, Marco, to eat at Applebees. On Sunday I just laid around just like a bum would do.

Friday, August 20, 2010

First Blog of the Year!

I hope we get to design more templates, get to go on youtube and search new blog websites. Some of the ideas i have so far is new applications for the blogs. Also find new gadgets to add to my profile. My thoughts on the school year is I hope to be more creative.