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Friday, March 4, 2011

digital nation

I just finished reading the introduction to digital nation and what I learned from it was that teachers feel like they need to entertain their student in order for them to learn anything. School was about teaching kids about history, English, math, and science; now its about teaching them about technology and how technology works. I also went onto Your Stories and was amazed by what people think about technology. I remember one girl talked about how her and her boyfriend text more than they do talk more. Another one was how a girl met her boyfriend on an avatar game and she feels like the most romantic date was on online rather than in real life. One older woman talked about how her son had called her to ask if he could have another cookie. She was shocked that he had to call to ask for permission. Her thought was for parents to leave their phones at home so the children could make their own decisions.

Wednesday, March 2, 2011

Classmates Presentations

We just finished our power points on epic films. We had to watch epic films and compare them to Lord of The Rings. Everybody chose great movies to compare them to. The movie that I compared Lord of The Rings to was 300. Out of my whole presentation I realized how Lord of The Rings and 300 had very similar scenes. Both of Frodo and King Leonidas left their homes to keep them safe. Also King Leonidas and Frodo were both out numbered in their armies. In Lord of The Rings there were these evil things set out to destroy Frodo called “Orcs.” In 300 they also faced evil things that wanted to destroy King Leonidas and his army called “Immortals.” Also when I was going through Vincent’s power point I noticed that in Braveheart there were a lot of similarities between 300. Knowing that they are almost the same makes me want to see Braveheart even more.
The first person that went up was Reece. His epic film was on Matrix Revolutions. I haven’t seen this movie, but by how Reece explained it he makes me want to see it. At the same time I feel like I’ll get lost throughout the movie. One of the things I remembered out of Reece’s power point was the fighting scene with Neo and Morpheus. It was really cool because at first Neo didn’t know how to fight then all of a sudden he knew kung fu.
            The next person was Vincent. His epic analysis was over Braveheart. I haven’t seen Braveheart, but it looks pretty good. It reminds a lot about 300.  Out of Vincent’s presentation the one thing I remembered were the heroes’ traits. Frodo and William share almost the same type of traits. They are brave, strong, and tough. They aren’t afraid of anything. They will do anything to keep the people they love safe. Another thing I liked was how he talked the type of music that was in the movies and they change throughout the scens.

            Dalton’s presentation was on Saving Private Ryan. After watching his power point I noticed that the theme in both of the movies are almost the same. Both Frodo and Captain Miller leave their home in order to keep it safe. I think that they are really brave for leaving their place of home, were they themselves feel safe in. If I ever get the chance I would love to see the movie.
            The last person to go was Jordon. She used Pirates of The Caribbean. I’ve seen this movie before so I knew what she was talking about. In her power point I realized how both of the heroes had many guides to help them out. The scene that I remembered the most out of the whole movie was where. They also share the same type of traits. Also both of them fight for the people they love and will stop at nothing to keep them safe. I’ve always loved the Pirates of The Caribbean movies and I can see myself watching this movie again.