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Monday, December 20, 2010

Media Final Epic Film Analysis

In Media Communications, we finished the movie The Lord of the Rings: Fellowship of the Ring and we started watching The Lord of the Rings: Two Towers. The director of the film is Peter Jackson. Some of the main characters in the movies would be Frodo, Aragon, Legolas, Sam, and Gandalf the Grey. By watching these two movies I’ve learned a lot about film analysis and epic characteristics. Some of the epic element is the different settings the movie takes place, the elves, and the hobbits. By being in this class I’m aware of other epic films. The reason its important to learn about filming and epics is because it makes you think how much work the directors put into the making of movies.
Throughout the movies there has been supernatural elements. Supernatural elements are the use of some type of magic. One example would be the sword that Bilbo gave to Frodo, when he was in Rivendale Land of the Elves. In Rivendale, if elves stick together they won’t age. Bilbo explained to Frodo that the sword glows blue when Orcs are coming. Bilbo also gave Frodo an Elvin armor, which protects Frodo from dying. Another one would be the bread that the elves gave to The Fellowship. The elves explained that with one bit of the bread you would get full. The most important supernatural force would be the power of the Ring. The power that it has is made to do evil. It draws people into its power. The only person that can care it is someone that is pure.
            In The Two Towers, Merry and Pippin get taken by the Orcs, which were once elves. Merry and Pippin try to escape into the forest where they are taken by ents. Ents are trees that can talk to each other. After the Ents trust Merry and Pippin they start to care for them. When Aragon, Legolas, Gimli, and Gandalf the White go to Rowan, they noticed that Sauron the White possesses the King. Gandalf the White then uses his powers to dispossess King Theodin. We also found out that Aragon is really 87 years old because he was living with the Elves at the time.
            Throughout both of the movies we see a couple of people guiding Frodo into the right direction to destroy the ring. One of the guides that have been there for Frodo since the beginning would be Sam. The first thing the Gandalf the Grey told Sam when he wanted to come on the adventure was to protect Frodo. Sam so far has been very loyal to Frodo. He would do anything to protect Frodo. One example would be that Sam went into the river knowing that he can’t swim just to be with Frodo. In a way, Sam is like a bodyguard. Another guide would be Gandalf the Grey of course. He helps Frodo figure out where to take the ring in order to destroy it. Also in a way Gandalf gives faith in Frodo that he won’t be taken by the ring. Aragon is also considered to be a guide. Aragon is part of the Fellowship to destroy the ring. He helps Frodo stay on the right path. Aragon would do anything to help Frodo get where he needs to go. He would go till the end of the world to save Frodo.
            There are villains in movies, which follow with heroes. Some are born heroes and others become heroes by seeing the difference between good and evil. In The Fellowship of the Ring, one of the heroes would be Boromir. His task was to get the ring and take it back to his land. Throughout the movie he was finding a way to be alone with Frodo. Frodo and Boromir were in the woods when the ring started to call Boromir. So he started coming after Frodo, so then Frodo put the ring on to hide form Boromir. Boromir didn’t know what to because he couldn’t find Frodo. He finally realized what he had done. Then the Orcs started coming when Merry and Pippin found Boromir. Boromir showed great valor when he was protecting Merry and Pippin from the Orcs. He took four arrows to his body and still fought till the end to keep Merry and Pippin safe.
            In The Two Towers Gimli’s courage was tested. In Castle Keep, Aragon, Gimli, Legolas, the elves and Rowan fighters were trying to fight off all the Orcs that were coming. There was about thousands of them trying to get inside the castle. Gimli and Aragon snuck around to the corner by the front doors and Gimli told Aragon that he should toss him into the Orcs to stop them from coming inside the Castle. Also Merry and Pippin should courage by standing up to the Ents and telling them to help them in destroying the Orcs. In this movie Merry and Pippin started to come more adult like than being ignorant. They started to realize that this isn’t a joke it’s serious.
            Throughout our entire life we are going to have to make decisions that could change the rest of our lives. Some might not have a big effect in our life but it could change the way we see life. In a way both of these movies make you realize that life isn’t always nice and perfect. People face many different challenges. These movies have showed us what dedication and patience can do for you.

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