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Friday, April 1, 2011

Digital Nation Blog

We just finished watching each other’s presentation on Digital Nation. One presentation that stuck out to me was Dalton’s Waging War. His presentation talked about how they are creating virtual worlds where soldiers use that to train with. It makes them feel as if they are actually there. Also they had this “store” where kids would go in and play war games. It was used to persuade teenagers to join the army by providing free video games that they can play.

Another presentation was Jordon’s Virtual Worlds. It was used to help cure post-traumatic stress disorder. The therapists created a virtual world exactly as what the soldier went through. The computer simulator lets you control what is going on. It had a comic book look and it made you think you were playing a video game. The goal of it was to help you control your anxiety. What triggers their anxiety could be any word someone says or sound they make.

The last presentation was Vincent’s. Living Faster talks about how technology controls our lives. Many people are unwilling to disconnect from technology. In a way we can’t escape technology because it’s in every aspect of our lives. When we go on vacation we are still blogging or updating our facebook status saying what we did today or how much fun we are having. What I learned from Digital Nation presentations are that I need to control how much time I’m on the Internet. Technology doesn’t have to be part of our lives, by making it our life we are cutting out our time with our family.