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Friday, November 12, 2010

Cemetery Photos

 This picture was taken at the student parking lot. This is a long shot showing how alone this girl feels in the world. The tree is providing stability for the girl in her life.
 This is my favorite picture. The type of shot it is would be a medium long shot. It was taken in black and white. It gives this old kind of scary feeling you get when you go into a cemetery.
 This shot would be a framing shot because the bars are framing the gate at the cemetery. It's also a long shot because of the cemetery tomb stones in the background. The gate would also be a close-up at the same time. Its being enhanced by the tomb stones in the back.
 This picture was taken when I was up on a tree. This is a high angle shot. It showing how weak Emma, Vincent, and Mrs. Collins is. At the same time it's a framing shot. The tree limbs are making into a framing shot.
This picture is a long shot of somebody walking in the distance. At the same time it would be a medium shot because of the tree. The tree enhances the person that is walking in the background.

Wednesday, November 3, 2010

The Red Balloon

We just finished watching The Red Balloon in media class. We are learning about the different types of camera shots. In one of the scenes, the type of shot that was being used was long shot and high shot. It was showing how the little boy had no chance of getting away from the other children that were after his balloon. It made the little boy look weak. Another shot was when the boy went into the bakery and told his balloon to stay there and not to go anywhere. That type of shot was a medium shot. The scene that caught my eye the most would be the over the shoulder shot. It showed the boy trying to get his balloon back from the other kids. It showed the point of view and what the little boy is seeing from his perspective. The music changed through-out the story. In one scene the boy ran into a girl who also had a balloon and the music was cute. It showed the relationship between the girl and boy. Another type of music was when the balloon was all alone outside of the church, the music was depressed and a little bit sad. From what I got to watch from the movie it showed me that everybody needs a support system. The movie was very symbolic by showing that the balloons need each other too not just humans.